Where the Galahs Gather

Hi Everyone!  Its another warm Summers Day here today, perfect weather for doing the washing but a bit too warm to be doing other chores....well that's my excuse anyway.  So I got the washing on early and then hit the craft room to create some of my February Projects for one of my Swap Groups one of which I am sharing today.

The first one had to be a ATC featuring a Bird.  My swap partner this month loves Pastel Colors so I immediately thought of a Galah.

Pale Blue Cardstock, Leaf Embossing Folder, SU Bird Punch, Faber Castell Gelatos in Pink, Green and Blue tones.  Washi Tape, Paper Cord, Feather, Pearls, Eyelet Border Punch, Galah Postage Stamp, Galah Collage Image.

I took further inspiration for my ATC by the group of Galah's that frequent our Garden and feed in the bird feeder we have placed in one of the Poinciana Trees.   As I took this photo and glanced from my bedroom window there were about ten of them and a couple of rainbow lorikeets feeding beneath the tree.  The bird life is one of the many reasons I love living out of town.


MiamiKel said...

Love this! The teal just POPS!! What a visual! Love the image, too - so sweet! We have a gorgeous Amazon blue and gold macaw and she is just such a specimen of beauty, like your card! Lovely!!! x0x0

http://blog.timetocreate.com.au/ said...

What a terrific little piece of art Danie! We seldom get galahs here - everything else though!

Linda Simpson said...

WOW Danie this is stunning, I love the gorgeous details and love the colours.

Linda xxx

lyn clark said...

Fantastic colours the bird is fantastic your so lucky to have them visit your garden I have never heard of them.Beautiful stunning colours xx

Lizzyc said...

Oh how lovely.. the colors are wonderful and we get lots of these birds visiting us!!

Tammy said...

Awesome card and gorgeous birds! Love the feather!

Lynn McAuley said...

Such awesomeness on a tiny scale! Fabulous collage with the stamp and bird, the feather and pearls, the gorgeous bright colors!! Beautiful work, Danie!

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Beautiful, love the image and the colours are fab
Lindsay xx