Now if you are reading this wondering what I am going on about then pop over to Julia's Blog the Stamping Ground and read all about it! WOYWW stands for 'What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday' and it's where crafter's from all around the globe link up and share what they have been up to.
This week my desk is looking more like me (normal/messy), yeah! My stamps saw lots of action as each day last week I played along with the Unity Stamp Co's, Itty Bitty a Day Challenge and on the weekend I played along with a Scrap Page Sketch Challenge. I also inked up some of my new stamps that I got in a recent order from Altered Pages. I am loving the photo realism of the female one you can see at the back of my desk.
So now there is a pile of stamps to be cleaned and put away.
I am still reorganizing too. I brought some small white baskets and moved my Gelatos into one of them so they can be kept on my desk, as I use them heaps.
I also have been saving cereal boxes from the rubbish to be cut up as ATC Backs and my Big Shot got a work out as I used my Typewriter Alphabet for my scrap layout.
My favorite play time of the week however was when I broke out the Masking Tape, Mists, Gelatos and some home made stencils to create some fun backgrounds for cards, journal pages and ATC's which I am sharing the how to on over at Altered Pages a little later on (once it hits Wednesday in the US).
So that's my week and my work-desk, thanks for stopping by. I am now heading out for a bit but will be back to take a peek at everyone else's soon.
Have a great week and Happy WOYWW!

That's a really cute card. Those cereal boxes really come in handy. Happy crafting #1
Wow, Danie May, you've had lots of fun play time!
Happy woyww to you!
#17ish this round
with an atc and mail art
Looks like you have been very crafty this week, Danie!!
Reorganizing is always inspiring to me and helps me get my mojo going!
I, too, save and reuse all my cracker/cereal boxs for crafting.
You have been on a whirlwind of productivity, Dani! I love your full wall shelving unit and you've lots in front of it! I need a major reorg myself. To much shopping, I'm afraid! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Darnell #12
Sounds like you have had a very good week creatively! Happy WOYWW. Helen, 6
So much to see and investigate! Love it. #43
Ooh! Lovely details on the desk! I really want some of those stamps that look photo-real - lucky you! I really enjoyed a tour of your lovely things. Thanks for letting me peek! Julie Ann xx #41
I really LOVE the colors on the last page! That green is such a pretty shade! I really like it. I am glad to read you had so much fun! Uniflame - 64
Hi Danielle, great messy desk...means you really have been creative this week. Glad it looks a bit like mine most days. Cheers RobynO#52
Well you look like lots of creativity has been happening on that desk!! looks great!!
Great Desk and fun things going on, one of those desks I would love to visit and play on.
Lynda #82
We're feeling the need for some stamp play today. As for reorganising, sometimes we think that's a never ending job!
The bears @#84 this week
WOW! you have been a busy girl! Love the card and the background. It is so fun to just get funky with inks and paints.
Thanks for the earlier visit
Krisha #19
I see you are in the reorganising mode too. I have to find room on the shelves for my things as I need every bit of desk space to work in - that is the theory anyway. The space never lasts. Hope your organisation continues to go well with those great little baskets. xx Maggie #10
Happy WOYWW! Thank you for sharing your space! Love your cubby cubes!
-Tera #104
Lots of crafty goodness on your desk! Your party dress card is so lovely! Your collection of gelatos is awesome! Winnie#76
Lovely busy desk Danie, seems to be oozing happiness! The stamped balloons are a free digi from Birds Digis, I'm going to use it on an upcoming DT piece. I agree about fixing the cars, he's saved us a ton of money on our modern car by doing stuff like oil changes and tyre rotations too! Very handy!
Brenda 3
Hello, Im Roberta 110,and been leaving the wrong number all morning. Dang newbie :-) Im on my 2nd week of this and looking at every ones goodies has really got me doing I cant wait till mine looks nice and tidy. Thanks for letting me peek around. Bright Blessing to you and yours
Mega busy desk ! Looks like a fun place to be ! Thanks for calling by ! Ali #34
I love that photo stamp image, it is a gem indeed! I always chop up cereal boxes into ATC sizes and have them sitting at the side of my desk to use up small offcuts from other projects.Happy WOYWW Annette #5
your link goes to google + and I can't comment but luckily Julia's link comes here! yAy!! I love all your little shelves I want some!! I'm sure I wouldn't be so messy if I have more shelves!! I always save the cereal boxes too, the card is very good for crafting and once covered in lovely papers, who would know!?! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))
Looks like you've been having fun! Lots of folks are organizing this week, must be that time of year.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for your kind comments.
Happy Woyww,
Sandy #9
Howdy Howdy Ms. Danie, looks like you have been a busy gal the past week. I have that very same orange trim on your desk. I also have it in Teal.I have a whole bunch of cereal boxes waiting to be used. I really need to make some ATC's. I just don't know what I would do with them after. I think it's awesome you are doing LB too. I have only completed like 5 projects. So sad, and we are in wk 32. I think I'm going to work on one tonight. Which ones have you completed?? I enjoyed stopping b. Happy Hump Day!!! (((HUGS)))
Looks like a fun space! I love Unity Stamp Co., but somehow didn't hear about the Itty Bitty challenge- sounds like fun- Mari #13
I love your cute card and didn't know about keeping cereal boxes to back ATC's with. It's amazing what you learn on blogs, will have to try that.
Have a great week.
Von #33
Oh super fun post, Danie! I hoped to play along this week but ran out of time as we've been running around :) Gorgeous work space, and looks like a lot of playtime ahead!
Great work space. Thanks for sharing Kim 56
This looks very nice, much creativity and so much space to live them.
Hi Danie - thanks for popping over and your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated - love cruising round your workspace - have a great week Mxx WOYWW #97
Loving the backgrounds but have NO idea what a Gelato is! Thanks for visiting me this week BJ#85
I've really enjoyed my snoop today. You have lots of fab stash.
A x # 59
Your crafting place looks great! Love the background paper you made.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Have a nice week!
Tuire #53
What a fab workspace you have there! I love sorting out too, my inner OCD is getting worse as I get older, lol! But I'm very good at it...I like recycling/throwing away. Sad, I know! I like that you're using cereal boxes..they're so useful aren't thy??
Hugs, LLJ 57 xx
Love your busy desk! A true sign of a crafter at work LOL! Happy WOYWW! Karen 79 x
great post this week...looks like a very busy desk too! It is a never ending process trying to keep everything organized and in its place. Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving a comment. Vickie #36
Great idea to use the cereal box for ATC backings. We really do have a lot of stuff at our fingertips. Good on you for cleaning your stamps. I tend to wipe quickly while I go and never bother with stazon!.
Ok, so grandchildren now left and arrived back at their home safely. Thanks for visiting my site and glad you like the butterflies. I use a heat and water resistant acrylic varnish. That means that you can put hot cups on the coasters, and hot plates on the place mats. You can't 'wash' them, but you can wipe over them with a damp cloth containing soap or detergent. I usually give the backs one or two coats of varnish, depending on how porous the wood is, and the fronts get three or four coats. Hope this answers your questions, and I would encourage you to have a go. It's very rewarding. Teddy hugs, john-w #77
It's amazing how little space we crafter actually need to work in and how much more space we need for all our lovely goodies. Lovin your new stamps, looks like you have lots of fun
Kim #98
Oooh, I love your workspace! And your little card, too:) Thank you for your visit!!
Wow Danie you have been a very busy girl this week!! I am amazed at how much you have in a small area, it all looks wonderful...I so love looking at other art/crafts desks!! Thank you for visiting my blog earlier :-). Happy WOYWW.
Janene #22
A lovely fun card, and a great busy desktop this week. Messy?? Never!
Thanks for dropping in - I've got my desk back now - the alien space docking station has returned home to its planet!!!!
Have a lovely week.
Margaret #68
Hi Danie, sorry I'm late visiting. What a fantastic craft studio. Bet you have lots of fun in there! Thanks for your visit, have a great week. MMx #65
Humphf. I wish MY family liked cereal. We lived on it when I was a kid, breakfast, after school snack, late night fill-me-up. Mine don't seem to fancy it and it takes ages to empty a box! Have fun, and I'll look forward to seeing the ATCs - rather enjoying making them myself, at the moment, but I am still hoarding them rather than trading them. Not really the point of them, is it? :)
Happy (still catching up) WOYWW!
Mary Anne (28)
Lots of fun stuff going on! I need to try those Gelato pens...
Jean 10
I see you like to have a lot of projects going at once!Thanks for stopping by! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #95
I only have a few gelatos and I am guilty of not using them much. Mind you I hear so many of you rave about them and I don't get it. Aahh maybe one day I will grow to like them.
Sorry I am returning your visit late. Happy WOYWW
Eliza & Yoda 24
I have a few gelatos that I haven't even played with yet! Not sure exactly what to do with them...anyways, I love your big white shelving thingy! Looks like it holds a ton and is so organized, nice! :) Otherwise your space looks like you have lots of fun in it, a bit "exploded" like mine was earlier this week! lol :) Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving me a comment, I was so happy to find out I am not the only nut who moves things around only to hate it and then put everything(almost) back! You were right about finding some forgotten stash and I also decided some things I just won't use so I can get rid of them, yeah! :) And I think I like the set-up much better now, so it was worth it. I think. lol :) Deeyll
A desk full of liveliness today and the magic word "Gelatos". I will have to work through your blog to see what you do with them as I have a few and love the feel of them but only know a couple of ways to work with them.
Hugs, Neet xx 50
Your desk is so lovely and colourful and busy, Danie - your album is gorgeous. When I get settled in our new place I'm going to start saving cereal packets again to make art with!
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, and I'm so glad you enjoyed my posts. I was sad to miss the anniversary swap this year but apart from my stuff all being packed up, I've been faaaar too busy with the move and everything.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #75
That's a real busy desk you have there, a bit like mine :)
I also keep all cereal (and other) packaging to use as ATC backs or for packing the Cuttlebug with extra layers.
Rosa # 16
Welcome Daniella! WOYWW is such a great time with amazing crafters. I know you will enjoy it.
I like the card you made. Very pretty. My desk is always a mess when I create. Only clean when I clean it (which only happens when I have visitors (real and online). So no worries.
Thanks for the visit.
Have a blessed day!
Belinda (89)
I saw this on Lyn's blog...not sure that I want to snap a pix each wed. haha...but it might be fun!
Love the look of your reorganizing! I'm drooling!
I'm playing catch up after having been offline for nearly three days due to internet woes associated with our recent rain. I'm a BIG fan of recycling cereal boxes. They are my go-to craft substrate. Never tried gellatos. Glad you like them.
Happy quite belated WOYWW from #2.
Brilliant!!! The Cereal Box idea...I am also so thankful for this kind of idea (and always a little sheepish I did not think of it myself). I really do love WOYWW...beautiful arts and crafts, kind people and brilliant ideas. Thank you!! And thanks for stopping by the Fun Room this week. Sara j
Wow there is so much going on in your room. I love a good reorganise myself!
Finally getting round to visiting, it has been a hectic week. Thank you for visiting.
Karen #69
Wow, so much going on and so many supplies!!! your shelving - looks very organized and handy.
CHeers! and thanks for stopping by last week :)
Jana #79
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