So what was on my Workdesk on Wednesday you ask? A Mess, that's what!
No projects in sight, just the aftermath of working on some Design Team Projects and playing along with the Unity Itty Bitty a Day Challenge again. My pile of stamps to clean from last week has once more exploded. Stamps really are my weakness and on Monday I received a prize from Unity which included even more stamps so I just had to play with them didn't I.
Anyway I thought I would also show my other work desk in my craft room, where I sometimes create also, but as you can see this is more the office part of the room, where I type my posts from and mostly waste time surfing the net.
Before I go I thought I would share one last photo of the tidy part of my workspace, just so you know one does exist. All my buttons, brads and dew drops have a home here as well as my inkjet printer and Sizzix Eclips.
So if you would like to see other workdesks from around the globe, find them and read more about this weekly link up party by visiting our wonderful host Julia's blog here.
Happy WOYWW!

Now today's desk if more like it! Love all the crafty clutter!
Cleaning stamps? Not me! I wipe off with a baby wipe then on a cotton towel, like Tim does. My stamps are stained but still give good crisp images. And the water based inks like DI and SU wipe off easy if you don't over ink the stamp. Have good rest of the week. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #4
I like to clean my stamps as I go along... this good intention sometimes falls by the wayside though! LOL You have a lovely craft room and your desk seems to indicate that you have had a mahoosive crafty session! Annette #9
I have several friends who tell me they never clean their stamps. Not sure that's a good idea when you're using clear stamps. That one area is super tidy. Like you, my craft area and my office are in two different parts of my house. I can only imagine what my computer would look like after I've had a session with paint and gesso. I already know what a toll these products have taken on my camera (grin).
Thanks for dropping by already. Happy WOYWW from #1.
My favorite part is the window you have!! So awesome having natural light!!
Today, I began my blog make over. I put the people on the dt's under the company. I wanted to ask you to look at the people I have under AP because when I went through the file there were some people I've never seen. I have to wait for the badge to do the Niji team. I would appreciate it if you could check on it if and when you can!!
Thanks for visiting me today! By fixing my blog I plan on visiting you more often! You are awesome!
I love your desk, so lived in and crafty, that's how a desk should look. I have my office in with my art and it gets covered in art stuff, still don't know how I manage to find the bills to pay.
Love all your little bottles of goodies in the shelf unit.
Have a great week.
Von #13
Still have cloth burp rags from my boys being babies long ago. Wet them and have them in front of me to clean my stamps as I go. A good reminder of them too when they are not around. Kim 26
Hi Danie - I thought I saw your name on a post win somewhere - great work - Love your desk's' and your tidy nook - its nice to have somewhere organised... Have a great week - Happy WOYWW Mxx #70
Thanks for the visit, Danie! I have a weakness for stamps too! I love the look of your Sizzix!!! This is a great crafting space - the busy and the tidy bits all tempt you to create! Have a lovely week! Julie Ann xx #39
It is always interesting to see where others create.. my space is usually messy somehow I create in chaos!! Love your space.. I hope you get lots of time to spend in there !!
Looks like a nice space for creativity! Thanks for the visit! :)
Lovely room - lots of space for you to work. Must admit I just wipe the stamps clean with a babywipe - you mean there is another way of doing the job??!!
Have a great week.
Margaret #69
Just like you, I can't resist pulling out my new stamps and giving them a whirl!
Lucky (or should I say talented) you, Danie, for winning new stamps from Unity!
Hey, it's a creative mess, so that doesn't really count as a mess, right?
Thank you for stopping by this woyww, I appreciate your visit and comment, Danie May!!
#27 this week
OOh I love that you think we may not believe you have a tidy space..I totally think you work relatively tidily anyway, so I have to smile! Lovely way to keep your embellies and little bits organised..looks nice and is practical..gotta be a great job then!
Hi Dannie,
Thanks for dropping by my site and leaving encouraging comments.
People have commented that my workdesk looks tidy, but not when I'm doing oil painting!!!!!!!!!! I don't think yours looks so much untidy as a hive of activity!
Thanks again, kind regards, John-w #67.
Beautiful tidy space, Danie! It looks a lovely light room, which is something I am trying to achieve with my new room too. I don't have a huge number of stamps but plenty to be going on with, and I do try to keep them clean.
Thank you for your lovely comment - I hardly dare believe it but I think the medication may already be starting to work, although the doctor said it would be 2-4 weeks before I noticed a difference. I am relieved that I am now being monitored, too. I wish you could have seen his face when I said I could make art from those pics! It was hilarious!!
I've been having problems commenting on blogger over the past couple of days so hoping this comes through OK.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #87
Happy Belated WOYWW, Danie! Thank you for the visit to me! Your post and photos were great. You have a lovely window over your desk. I really love the little box shelf you have for your jams and jellies and best of all is your clock!! Enjoy the rest of your week! Darnell #19
Technology is wonderful when it works, but we are all so dependent on batteries Tec these days. Glad you made it in the end, though. You do have a very tidy space. I could do with your organisational skills to get my room under control again. Thank you for your visit this week and I hope you have a great week. xx Maggie #116
I have to clean my stamps when I'm done with them but I never do a perfect job when I'm doing them but they still stamp crisp but I have a cloth that I wet and just drop the dirty ones on so much easier to clean :) hugs Nikki 10 thanks for the visit
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